Invisalign London: Clear Braces Direct makes life easier for you

If you’ve been considering addressing your misaligned teeth, you may have held off because you’ve been worrying about how much of a commitment having dental work would be. At Clear Braces Direct, we aim to make getting your smile aligned as easy as possible, only requiring you to come into the practice when it is absolutely necessary, and you could have your results with Invisalign London in as little as 3 to 4 months. With online consultations, remote monitoring via our bespoke monitoring app and Invisalign London aligners being delivered for free to your door, there are so many reasons to get started on achieving your smile now – no excuses!


How does it work?

Many dental practices offer Invisalign; however, we at Clear Braces Direct are Diamond Apex Invisalign accredited providers; this means that we are in the top 1% of dentists offering this treatment.

We understand that while technology allows us to custom-make aligners for you using our iTero digital scan to get the measurements, we also need to check whether everything is going to work out with those measurements – that’s where our skills and experience make us stand out. We will tweak the aligners to be manufactured with the ultimate precision and effectiveness for your mouth. When you wear your aligners, they should, therefore, be more comfortable as they apply pressure to the teeth to move them into the desired positions. Throughout your treatment, you will need to change your aligners every week, and we will send you the required sets of aligners.

Why Invisalign?

Invisalign London is a wonderful treatment for mild to moderate alignment issues and for those who are keen to have a discreet option. The aligners are barely visible when worn over the teeth because the plastic they are made from is transparent. You may also remove the aligners for 2 hours each day, so you won’t have to wear them when you are dining or brushing your teeth (don’t forget to floss too!). There should also be time to have your aligners out for any other reason, such as playing sports, meeting friends or writing poetry – it’s up to you!

How will Clear Braces Direct help me?

Our service is as convenient as can be, along with our professional and experienced team delivering your treatment. Firstly, we will have an initial consultation with you, where we can discuss your concerns about your smile. We will then scan your mouth and generate a 3D animation of how your teeth would look once the treatment has been completed to give you a clear idea of how great your smile will be. From this, we can then get your aligners made and sent to your home. We will then monitor your progress using a weekly monitoring app, so you won’t need to come and see us unless necessary, saving you time and money on frequent appointments. At the end of the treatment, you will need to see us for a final check-up, and this could be within just a few months of you starting your treatment – it’s so easy!

So, if you feel that Invisalign could be the treatment you’d like to get started with, why not book your free consultation with us at Clear Braces Direct and get the Diamond Apex treatment?