Invisalign from Clear Braces Direct

If you are wishing to straighten your teeth, but don’t want to have any invasive surgeries, then Invisalign could be a great option for you. This is a simple process which can bring effective results through the use of plastic aligners. These aligners are thin and clear, and will gradually move your teeth over time.


We are proud to offer our 3-step Invisalign treatment for our patients to enjoy. We take pride in delivering a high-quality service, making you feel comfortable and welcome whilst doing so. This treatment can really make a difference to your smile, so contact us today for an appointment!

How does it work?

The first step is having a consultation appointment with one of our dentists here at Clear Braces Direct London, so we can find out whether or not you’re eligible. We can also answer any questions you may have and discuss the treatment. We use high-tech, 3D scanners to get a perfect look at all of your teeth in a more in-depth way. We then use something called Invisalign Clincheck which allows us to show you the difference the aligners will make week by week and what they should look like at the end of it. If you decide you want to go ahead with the treatment, we will send these scans off so that your custom aligners can be created.

Once you have received your aligners, you can truly start your journey. You will be given multiple aligners, each one being slightly different in order to move your teeth into a straighter position. You will change these from the comfort of your own home, which our patients love. On top of this, we also have a London Clear Braces Direct app where you can send us pictures of your progress and communicate with us, meaning fewer unnecessary appointments. The treatment time varies depending on your needs, but range from 6-18 months.

The final step of our Invisalign treatment is whitening and retaining. We will include whitening gel with your aligners so you can use it to really help to finish off your new look! It is always recommended to use retainers after straightening your teeth, to ensure that they don’t move back to their original position.

The advantages

When you have Invisalign with us here at Clear Braces Direct in London, there are so many great benefits you can enjoy, whether it’s before you start the treatment, during or after.

These aligners are removable, meaning that you won’t have to worry about what foods you eat, our patients love this as they can simply pop the aligner out before they eat. This also means it is easier to clean them, all you have to do is take it out, brush it with your toothbrush, give it a rinse and you’re good to go!

The clear, thin plastic material that is used to make these London Clear Braces Direct aligners means that when you are wearing them, no one will even notice you have them in. This is good if you are a more self-conscious person and don’t want to draw added attention to your teeth.