Invisalign cost London: Clear Braces Direct gives you the low-down

Have you heard about Invisalign or anything to do with Invisalign cost London? If you have, then you’ll know that Invisalign offers a solution to realigning the teeth in as little as 4 to 6 months. At Clear Braces Direct, we understand that you may be fed up with paying through the nose for things, especially when it is for something that you may feel is not really an option, but a necessity. That’s why we are offering a free digital scan of your mouth and a free, no obligation, consultation.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment for mild to moderate alignment issues. It uses sets of clear plastic trays which are changed between on a weekly to fortnightly basis to straighten the teeth. The aligners are made bespoke to fit your mouth using iTero technology. This is the scan which we will perform for free and from which we will generate a 3D animation of how your teeth will look after treatment, before we even get started!

Why should I choose Invisalign?

There are so many reasons why patients love Invisalign! The first reason is the confidence they give patients, when they are being worn. They are almost invisible as they are see-through and only your teeth should be on show. Once your teeth are realigned, you should also feel happier about smiling and it could improve your self-esteem.

Another benefit of choosing Invisalign is the fact that you can remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can remove them when you want to attend a special event like a wedding or a job interview, or simply when you want to relax in front of the T.V. – the choice is yours! Moreover, by being able to remove your aligners, you can eat and drink without them in, so you won’t need to change your diet – continue chomping on an apple a day! You will also be able to brush and floss as normal, without having to contend with wires and brackets as you do. The aligners should also be a lot more difficult to break than fixed braces, because the plastic is a robust material, which means that you will have less chance of needing an emergency appointment and taking more time out of your busy schedule.

Why choose us?

Here at our practice, we believe that price transparency is key to helping our patients make informed decisions and to feel comfortable about what they are doing. With the accuracy of the scans that we take, we will be able to give you an Invisalign cost London for your treatment that is also accurate, so that you can budget for the treatment with all the prices in place and no surprises in store.

To find out more about how we can help, why not book in for the free initial consultation, where you can ask as many questions as you need to and we can examine your mouth thoroughly, so we know what we are working with? At Clear Braces Direct, we look forward to helping you smile about the results of your treatment and the Invisalign cost London of it.