Advantages of Invisalign for adults

In years gone by, you may have believed that the only way to get a straighter smile was to undertake orthodontic treatment as a child. However, as the technologies have advanced and orthodontic teams have been able to use better equipment, it is now possible for anyone to get a straighter smile, provided that their teeth and gums are healthy.


With this comes the array of tools which are helping people to get the straighter smile they want, and you will be happy to know that not all of them involve fitted metal braces.

At Clear Braces Direct, as our name suggests, we specialise in helping patients to get the smiles they want using braces and aligners that are clear or invisible. These are exceedingly popular, with the most popular option being Invisalign London which has many benefits when used in adult patients.

With that in mind, what are some of the advantages that you can get from using Invisalign London as an adult? Read on to find out.

Better fit

Many people presume that because Invisalign London is not a fixed brace, it will not fit well. However, our team will use an intraoral 3D scanner to get a clear and precise image of your teeth in their current positions to design the shape of this aligner. This will then be entered into a computer, which will simulate the orthodontic movements required to get the smile that you want and from this, a set of aligners will be printed. All of which will be fitted to your teeth at each stage of the treatment.


Yes, invisible aligners are removable, meaning that you can take them out as and when you need to. We advise our patients to remove their invisible aligners when eating or drinking anything that is not water, so you can plan your day around when you will be giving talks or lectures and wearing the aligner. Just be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly before putting the aligner back into your mouth to prevent debris from being pressed against your gums and potentially causing tooth decay or gum disease

Accelerated treatment time

You may have heard that an invisible aligner comes with a slower treatment time, but this is not the case. When it comes to this brand of invisible aligner, you may be able to get the straighter smile you want in this little as 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the misalignment that is being treated.


Indeed, this aligner will not need to be tightened or adjusted, meaning that it is more likely to be comfortable throughout wear. However, you should be prepared for there to be a minimal level of discomfort, as this aligner is designed to move your teeth after all! This discomfort should be mitigated with over-the-counter pain relief, but if you are finding this to be an unsuccessful way to manage any soreness or pressure, please contact our team.

Easy to use

This aligner is incredibly easy to use. You simply wear it for 22 hours per day, or as directed by our team, rinse it under a tap to clean it and take photos of your smile using the associated app to keep our team updated on how the aligner is straightening your teeth.