A beautiful smile with Invisalign

Many people spend years thinking about straightening their teeth, not realising that in the time that they have spent considering treatment they could have finished the process and transformed their smile. The longer you delay it, the more complications you may face in the future. This is because crooked teeth are prone to dental health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. However, now it is easier than ever before to achieve a nearly aligned smile. Maybe you have been worried about drawing further attention to your mouth or you worry that it will take a long period of time. Maybe you feel your teeth are too crooked to be fixed. If this sounds like you then get online and look for Clear Braces Direct. Thanks to advances in digital dental technology no smile is too complicated to fix. Whether you suffer from complex orthodontic issues or the misalignment of your teeth is minor, here we can help correct your smile.


Why choose Clear Braces Direct?

If you have been considering teeth straightening for a while then you will have heard of Invisalign London. Here, at Clear Braces Direct, we are Diamond Apex Providers of Invisalign which means that we are highly experienced, well recognised for our work and we are one of the best places in Europe to straighten your teeth. We have helped thousands of patients correct their smiles. The process itself can take on average 12 to 18 months, however it is discreet and convenient enough to let you get on with your daily life as usual.

To begin with you need to book a free consultation at our London or Newcastle location depending on which is nearest to you. We will carry out a 3-dimensional scan of your mouth and show you how your teeth can be moved using Invisalign London to create the smile you desire. We will be able to tell you how long the treatment will take as well as the cost of the treatment itself. You will be pleased to know that we can also offer payment plans so that the treatment is more affordable.


If you would like to proceed with Invisalign London you can make an online payment and we can order a series of Invisalign aligners which are individually manufactured according to your scan results. These can be sent directly to your address or you can book an appointment with us so that we can help you begin the process. The aligners themselves are clear thermoplastic, comfortable to wear and almost invisible in the mouth. It is important that you remember to wear them correctly and adhere to the protocol. This means keeping them in your mouth for approximately 20 hours of the day and wearing each of the aligners for 2 weeks or as prescribed. For your added convenience, the entire process can be monitored online which means you do not have to visit us in person. Rather that you can send us pictures of your progress and communicate with us online. Within a few months you will notice differences with the alignment of your teeth and soon you will have a beautifully straight smile and better dental health for the future.